Frum and Single in The City....Well, Brooklyn

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Hell, Yeah, I'm Bitter

I confess.
I'm bitter.
There, I said it. Yay!
I am bitter.
It's hurtful when people shove their engagement in your face. And YES, they do it on purpose. You can tell me I'm imagining it, but I'm not. And I know I'm not.
Married girls feel as though they reached the finish line before I even entered the race and they feel the need to prove themselves again and again by saying the words "my husband" in every sentence they utter.


At 8:28 AM, Blogger halfshared said...

I feel like that too sometimes..but b'h the mood passes fairly quickly. I find that most of my married friends really try to be sensitive to my feelings. I hope you can change the name of your blog very soon!! (the single part of it, not frum lol)


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